NAM – Norwegian Aggregate Model

Link to  Norwegian NAM page

Norwegian Aggregate Model, NAM, is a dynamic econometric model of the Norwegian macro economy. NAM is an operational quarterly model, updated four times a year and is used for forecasting and analysing the Norwegian economy.

NAM began as an econometric project by Gunnar Bårdsen and Ragnar Nymoen, and early versions of the model were documented in journal papers and in book chapters.

As the operational aspects of NAM became more prominent, the documentation was expanded, and is now updated regularly on the internet.

Here is the link to the latest version of  the NAM documentation.  It is from November 2024 and replaces earlier versions. 

And here’s an AI-generated  NAM podcast . Thanks to  Jakob M. Hope for producing it ! 

Currently, versions of NAM are used by Finanstilsynet (The Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway), NHO (Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise) and LO (Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions). Since 2013 the model has been regularly in use by KLP (Kommunal Landspensjonskasse), in their projections for actuarial purposes, of interest rates and wage growth

Questions about NAM? Mail,  or phone (+47) 97 97 02 48
